View the documents below for information about our diocesan Code of Conduct.
Diocesan Code of Conduct for Church Personnel and Volunteers
Diocesan Code of Conduct for Church Personnel and Volunteers (En Español)
Diocesan Code of Conduct for Priests and Deacons
Diocesan Policy and Procedures for reporting Child Abuse
Diocesan Policy and Procedures for reporting Child Abuse (En Español)
Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee Policy and Procedural Guidelines Relating to Screening of Church Personnel
Before employment or volunteering begins, all employees and volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults within the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee must pass a level II background check and complete all required Safe Environment Training courses. Additionally, any of the offenses listed in the links below will disqualify a candidate from seeking employment or volunteer eligibility.
List of Disqualifying Offenses *
This document contains a list of disqualifying offenses that might prevent employment or volunteer eligibility with children or vulnerable adults.
*Any arrest with disposition pending or found guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or entered a plea of nolo contendre or guilty to or have been adjudicated delinquent and the record has not been sealed or expunged for, any offense prohibited under any of the listed Disqualifying Offenses will be not be eligible for hire with any of our schools. An appeal maybe made to the Office of Safe Environment if applying to any other diocesan site or for volunteer purposes with any other diocesan site.
The Province of Miami Policy on Safe Environment Educational Programs
This document explains the principles to be taught to all parents, guardians, children and youth on a systematic basis in all dioceses of the province.
All prospective employees or volunteers must see the secretary or safe environment manager of the parish, school or diocesan organization in which you are seeking employment to begin the fingerprinting process. You'll be provided with the Fieldprint codes and other information needed to complete your fingerprinting process.
Bring the following with you to your fingerprint appointment:
Any required payment for fingerprinting should be remitted directly to your potential employer's office. You will not be asked for money online when creating your appointment for fingerprinting, nor will you pay on-site when fingerprinted. The Office of Safe Environment bills each diocesan organization monthly for these fees.
Please note: Once an appointment is made, you may not change or cancel the appointment less than 24 hours before the appointed time without incurring a charge. There is a $15 cancelation fee for those who do not arrive for their appointment. Appointments may be canceled through the Fieldprint website. After making an appointment, please arrive on time. The fingerprinting locations allot a limited amount of time for each fingerprinting session.
As of January 1, 2024, the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee joined over 100 dioceses using VIRTUS as a safe environment training and compliance management system. VIRTUS has worked with us to customize the program tailored to our diocesan policies, the USCCB regulations and to the Florida law. This program is vital in spreading the awareness and prevention of abuse within our schools, churches and communities. Your role within our diocese is so important, that without your assistance, we could not reach as many people as we do!
Participants will learn:
All volunteers who work in direct care or in the company of children, along with all diocesan employees are required to complete,
All volunteers and employees who work in direct care of vulnerable adults will be required to complete, in addition to the above,
Vulnerable Adult Training™ 2.0 through VIRTUS® Online.
The VIRTUS Program also provides the course Healthy Relationships for Teens™2.0 to assist our youth leaders, those who are under 18 and who volunteer or are employed within our diocese. This is a valuable course to educate our youth on how to be appropriate leaders with boundaries, how to recognize signs of an unhealthy relationship and how to report concerns they may have to an adult. While this course is not mandatory for youth volunteers, it is highly recommended and required at the encouragement of the Pastor or Principal.
Both the training courses and the Level II background check are required to be repeated every 5 years to maintain status and compliance.
All requirements above are monitored by a local Safe Environment Administrator at each location along with the Diocesan Office of Safe Environment and recorded in the VIRTUS® Online System.
If you are a new volunteer or employee and have not yet logged into VIRTUS, please contact your parish or school office for assistance.
If you are an existing diocesan volunteer or employee and you have not yet logged into VIRTUS, please contact your parish or school office for assistance.
If you are an existing diocesan volunteer or employee, you can log into VIRTUS here.
We thank you for your continued cooperation and support in keeping our churches and schools safe.
For more information, contact Mark Lee at (850) 435-3570 or [email protected].
If an employee or volunteer will be driving on behalf of a diocesan parish, school or ministry, an approved MVR with supporting documents must be received by the Office of Safe Environment before they are permitted to drive for work or ministry-related functions. The MVR check must be recertified annually from the initial date of approval. A new MVR form must be submitted with the following for approval:
MVR-Driver Form
Submit this completed and signed form along with a copy of your valid driver's license and vehicle insurance Declaration Page of insurance coverage showing the required amount of liability on the vehicle that you will be driving. Insurance ID cards are not acceptable as they do not provide the amount of liability that is required as proof. Email all documents to [email protected]Driver Requirements
Drivers must be 21 years of age to drive a diocesan vehicle. Anyone driving students must be 25 years of age. Drivers transporting children/students must have completed the LEVEL II FDLE background check/fingerprinting process and all required safe environment training courses and have been cleared by the Office of Safe Environment.
NOTE: Parents or Guardians that transport only their own children do not need an MVR however must be background checked/fingerprinted and have taken safe environment courses if remaining on the premises during an event/fieldtrip.
For more information on MVR diocesan requirements, please refer to the Self Insurance Program Guide (pages 13-15) For more information on MVR diocesan requirement pertaining to youth fieldtrip and retreats, please refer to the
Diocesan Guidelines for working with the Youth .Driver Requirements Summary
Driver Transports Children
Driver Does Not Transport Children
Minimum Age
Must be 25 years old to drive a vehicle with children.
Must be 21 years old to drive a diocesan vehicle.
MVR Frequency
Upon hiring and annually thereafter
Upon hiring and every three years thereafter
Minimum Coverage
$100,000 of bodily injury coverage per person
$300,000 of bodily injury coverage per accident
$50,000 of property damage coverage per accident
$50,000 of bodily injury coverage per person
$100,000 of bodily injury coverage per accident
$25,000 of property damage coverage per accident
Provide copy of the Declarations page from automobile policy annually.
A driver will not qualify for driving on behalf of the Diocese if any of the following disqualifying offenses are found:
- 6 or more points on the driver’s license within the last 36 months
- Guilty of a DUI/DWI in the last 36 months
- Suspended/revoked status
Drivers that wish to get a copy of their Motor Vehicle Report will need to request it from the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles directly.
If an employee or volunteer will be handling funds and/or credit cards on behalf of a diocesan organization, a Credit Check Request form must be signed, completed, processed and approved. A credit check will be completed once at the start of employment and may be processed again at the request of the pastor, principal, or administrator of your organization. Additional checks beyond the initial credit check require permission from the employee or volunteer.
*Per Diocesan Policy: Parish counting teams do not need a credit check or background check since they are counting in teams and not on their own. No teams should consist of Husband/Wife, Mother/Daughter etc. Must not be related to be on a counting team.
FCRA Bill of Rights
Click the link above to view a PDF summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
According to the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Florida Law requires all summer camp owners, operators, employees and volunteers (that assist more than ten hours per month) to comply with a DCF level II background check. Additionally, they must have their fingerprints retained by the FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement). This law also requires all children employees or volunteers, 12 years of age to 17 years, to comply with the aforementioned requirements.
A DCF background check must be completed within 60 days of the start of the summer camp and will need to be completed again if there is a 90-day break in the period of employment or volunteer service. Reprocessing costs $16.50 per person and individuals will not need to be fingerprinted again. Please contact [email protected] to reprocess when needed.
All adults 18 years of age and older must also complete the required safe environment courses shown below. Contact your parish or school office for access.
Adult volunteers who complete a DCF background check for a summer camp are not considered "cleared" by the diocese to work or volunteer with children or vulnerable adults for diocesan organizations. They must also complete a VECHS (Volunteer Employee Criminal History Systems) background check through the diocese.
The policy of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is to comply with the terms of the Jessica Lunsford Act in order to provide an added measure of safety and protection in school and parish environments. The Jessica Lunsford Act states that any contractual personnel who has access to school grounds when students are present or any personnel that have direct contact with students must meet level II requirements as described in Florida Statute, Section 1012.32.
This includes any vendor, entity (or sub-contractor thereof) or individual who has been retained by a school, parish or diocesan organization to perform work or services in the following areas:
The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee does not accept background screening reports from any federal agency, state agency or private information vendor – regardless of the screening organization or the position that an individual currently holds or may have held in the past. There are no exceptions. Fingerprints contained in the FBI database can be used only for the purpose intended and are federal-statute specific. This means that the sharing of criminal history reports between entities is not allowed without the approval of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the individual being checked.
List of Disqualifying Offenses
This document contains a list of disqualifying offenses that might prevent employment or volunteer eligibility with children or vulnerable adults.Memo from the Office of Safe Environment
See the link above to view a memo from the Office of Safe Environment concerning construction workers, contract workers and vendors.
Construction workers, contract workers and other vendors who wish to become compliant with the safe environment regulations in this diocese may contact the Mark Lee at 850-435-3570 or [email protected] to receive step-by-step instructions.
Catholic school volunteer coaches involved with any of our Catholic Schools are required to abide by the safe environment policies of this Diocese.
Non-Catholic School coaches are to abide by their own school's safe environment compliance policy. Contact the Non-Catholic Schools office to address any issues with them directly or contact the Diocesan CYSL Director at [email protected]
All coaches (Catholic School and Non-Catholic School) are required to wear a badge created by their school with photo and current school year at all practices and game events.
CYSL volunteers must be compliant with the following:
- Complete a level II background check (VECHS) and sign a waiver form for this background check.
- Must be re-checked every five years.
- Payment for background check will be required. Cost for a volunteer is $65.00
- Must not participate unsupervised until the background check is approved and safe environment training courses have been completed.
- All CYSL Volunteer coaches( Catholic Schools and Non-Catholic Schools) must wear a badge created by their school with photo and current school year at all practices and game events. There must be at least two coaches at all practices that have been cleared through the diocese safe environment program.
List of Disqualifying Offenses – Click to view a list of disqualifying offenses that might prevent an individual from employment or volunteer eligibility.
Know the Rules for Child Safety in Youth Sports
Boundries for Coaches
Is my personal information kept secure?
Ensuring a safe environment is not just for children and vulnerable adults. The diocese will always keep the private information of all employees and volunteers secured. All paper files are kept in a secure file cabinet within a locked room. Our files online are encrypted and password protected. When documents containing sensitive or personal information are no longer needed, they are shredded.
A Level II CBS or VECHS (Volunteer Employee Criminal History System) includes the following:
- A statewide criminal and juvenile records check through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- A federal criminal records check through the Federal Bureau of Investigations
- A check through the Florida Crime Information Center for the following:
- Warrants
- Domestic violence injunctions
- Protection orders
- Probation or supervision release status
- The National Sexual predators and Offender’s registry list
- Career criminal offenders list
- Deported felons list
- Missing persons list
You may appeal the denial of eligibility by following the instructions and completing the appeal form below.
Appeal Procedures
Using the link above, you can find a printable PDF document which describes the appeal process in detail.Appeals Form
The person who has been denied eligibility may submit a properly completed written application to the Office of Safe Environment. Using the link above, you can view and download a printable PDF of the application.