From Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee
more information coming soon!
We have recorded several 10-minute "mini training sessions" for parish staff using Ministry Platform that cover a variety of topics. click the link below to get to that listing.
Mini-MP Training Sessions
The "Procedures" section of Ministry Platofrm has most of our quickm "How-To" isntructions for using MP at a parish. You can also use your log in to Microsoft Teams to as kquestions, read comments, see samples, attend our 10-Minute MiniSessions.
From Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee
more information o nhow to update information in our new Parish Management Tool, Ministry Platform, will be posted sooon
Vanco Churchgoer eGiving Study
Results of a survey taken in August 2015 of how parishioners give and how they would LIKE to give, broken out by age, frequency, parish involvement. A good reason to offer eGiving at your parish!Vanco Mobile Card Readers Overview (like "Square")